Youtube Adds Call-to-Action Overlays

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youtube logo

You’ve uploaded your video content to Youtube and can see the view count clocking up. Rubbing your hands with glee you sit back and wait for the viewers to visit your site and buy your product. Except its not that easy – until now.


Youtube has now enabled a Call-to-Action functionality, allowing users to direct viewers to a landing page or website with a relevant call to action.

Here’s how it works:

“Adding a Call-to-Action overlay to your video is easy. First, run a campaign to promote your video on YouTube. Then, go to the Video Details page under My Videos and fill out the fields in the section marked “Call-to-Action overlay.” All you have to do is include a short headline, ad text, a destination url, and upload an optional image, and the overlay will appear whenever someone watches your video. Clicks on the overlay will be tracked in YouTube Insight.”

Youtube call to action

Youtube call to action

Practical Application – Will It Blend

Will it Blend has one on the most successful  products ever marketed on Youtube for the blending company ‘Blendtec. Their videos of various items from i-Phones to Mario Kart games being blended have been a Youtube hit. The i-Phone video alone has had over 6 million views. The trouble is these videos just end with a URL flashing up within the video meaning conversions are no where near as high as they could be. Now, with this latest development, Blendtec may be able to make the most of all these views.

Youtube have been hd

Thats right the most famous video sharing network of them all has gone HD. Is this a necesary addition? No. does it look and sound good? Yes

This seems to be part PR behaviour and part future proofing. As we all know, eventually there will be just a single piece of kit in your living room through which you can access all media formats; TV, music, the internet (and so Youtube) and probably all manner of other things things that haven’t even been thought of yet.
This has garnered a lot of attention and so has done the PR bit well.
By providing videos in an HD format Youtube is making itself the video browsing site of choice for the home viewer of the future. As we have all believed the hype that our non HD TV’s will soon be obslete we may feel validated by the fact that such a market player is heading in this direction.
Glanceable content. Thats the media of the future. Its all around us with Youtube clips, mobile/web only TV shows and mainstream TV programmes like Rudetube being born from the web. As I believe it though, the videos have to be recorded in HD form to be then shown in HD. This can only be done on expensive camcorders. Youtube is the land of the cameraphone so until we have HD quality camera phones…this may be ahead of its time.
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